Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Well... Almost Wordless

3 Weeks old  (6lbs 4 oz)
 This is especially for you mom, so you can see how tiny she really is. Laying a top of two regular size bath towels.  

My hard working men building a chicken tractor for the flock of 50 meat birds that absolutely must be moved out of the brooder, TOMORROW.

 My favorite person relaxing on Sunday afternoon and snuggling baby girl.
 I love you, Dear and  Happy Birthday too! You have been entirely awesome these last weeks, I promise I won't entirely forget to celebrate your birthday.  Tradition will continue, Cheese Pastries are in your future somewhere, I promise. :-)

   I feel so grateful tonight for all the big and little blessings that I enjoy.  Maybe tomorrow I can post a gratefulness post and list some of these special things.


  1. I don't think that post is necessary...the photos tell does your loving heart with the words already expressed.

    God bless you in this journey..
    Aubrey's mom

  2. lovin all the pictures!!! I hope you're getting some sleep! ;)

  3. What a sweet itty bitty baby. Member the baby love doll that we made when you were younger. She is MUCH cuter.
    And the 50 chickens!!! How I wish I could live down the road from you and join you in your fun! You are doing what I always wanted to do! Sleep when you can and remember to take time to enjoy each moment. She will never be this small again. Seems like not too long ago you were 5. 13 and in the hospital with your little leg in traction. Imagine - - 6 weeks of bitty on her back - no cuddling. Anyway you made it and now you are a wonderful mama.


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