Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Needs & Niceties

I feel incredible blessed by all the caring friends around us who have been giving freely. We have a car seat, bassinet and bouncer on loan from various friends. We have been given a large bag of newborn, 0-3, and 3-6 Month clothes, diaper bags, baby socks and blankets. I was able to pick up a New Native Baby Carrier at a sale for only $10. and it doesn't show any signs of wear. (They are normally $40-$50, so I was totally thrilled.)I really don't mind doing without lots of equipment and extras. But there are still a few things that we need or would be very nice to have. We loved pre-owned things, stuff doesn't have to be new to bring us joy. :-)

As requested, here is a list of our needs and a few niceties, too:
- Cloth Diapers I don't mind an assortment of styles. I will need some flats for the winter months, since I have no dryer. These dry much faster than the prefolds or all-in-one diapers.
- Covers/Vinyl Pants This is covered now, thanks to another great friend. PTL!
- Natural Baby Wash, Shampoo, Oils and Salves
(stuff like Dr. Bronner's, Burt'Bees, Avalon, Bentley Organic, Weleda, etc)
- Several 3-6 month sleepers (Preferably 100% Cotton)
- Crib - second hand would be perfect
- Two Waterproof Crib Mattress Covers
- Lact-Aid Supplemental Feeding System
I am planning to breastfeed and will use this system until my milk supply is full (indefinitely, if needed). I currently have the Medela SNS but have read lots of negatives and probably will have to upgrade to the Lact-Aid nearly immediately. I wish I would have spent more time on research before I ordered the other one, since they won't accept returns at all. Grr!
- Boppy Pillow
- Rocking Chair (preferably used, an old wooden one would be lovely.
- Baby Stroller - something with good solid wheels for use on dirt roads and flea market gravel areas.
- Several Small Toys made from Natural fibers. i.e cotton, wool, and wooden toys.
If I think of some other things, I may come back and update this list.
Thank you again for all your support and prayer, we feel very loved.

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