Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Nearly Wordless Wednesday

It is lovely 68 degrees outside and D is taking full advantage of this beautiful weather to finish up our shed project.

This particular project has been in the works for a very long time, it was started April of 2009.

The garage doors just need a coat of paint and the project will be completed.  I can't tell you just how much it means to me to see projects like this finished.  I love, LOVE checking things off my mental to-do list.  YEAH!  and cheers to my amazing man for all his hard work and talent.

Orange and Freckles

Bread rising slowly on the counter

Chersonskaya Squash seeds spread out to dry for planting in next years garden.

In praise of the dress up box and creative play.

Baby Sweetness!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Purple Sicily Cauliflower = Happiness

Funny, how purple cauliflower can literally make you feel happy. I can't help myself, isn't it just Gorgeous? 

It is such a perfect contrast to this day of grey overcast skies,and the creeping chill from all the mist............ and it's Monday, too. 

I don't know why Monday's seem to be difficult days for me. Many weeks I determine that this WILL be a good Monday, and some Mondays DO go better than others.  Still, Mondays have to be my least favorite day of the week.   

In less than the very best of humors, I went out to find a veggie for dinner, and instead I found beauty.  I can't help loving purple cauliflower.  This particular heirloom seed was shared with me last June, - Purple Sicily Cauliflower.  I didn't know just how much I would love it.  I really planted it just for fun and variety.
But I Do LOVE it,  it is so determinedly bright and cheerful in the middle of so much grey and brown.

Right there in the garden I stopped and I thanked God for reminders of Him, reminders of beauty and glory in the most unexpected places and I took a little soul lesson from my purple cauliflower. 

I found nourishment for our bodies, and for my spirit, too.

It really is the little things that make up the bulk of our lives.  I continue to learn what it means to truly live well and fully, and the answers are, most often, surprising. 

Thursday, December 08, 2011

And they all lived happily.....after FOREVER.

Did you ever have a REALLY long day, the kind that felt like you had been through enough for an entire day by 11AM.  A day that feels like FOREVER?

Then you will appreciate what I overheard from the play of me seven year old as he told a story in the  next room.   His story ended like this

....and the all lived happily after FOREVER."

I grinned to myself as I wiped up a dirty kitchen counter and rinsed out the sink from dish washing (and picked the legos out of the drain).  I repeated that little line to myself and then I laughed out loud.

So if you are in the middle of an extra rough portion of your own road in life, even if it seems like FOREVER, there is happily coming soon.  Keep on keeping on!