Wednesday, November 03, 2010

4 Wk Photos

4 Wks Old - (6lbs 9oz.)

 Love that little tongue!

Kiss those baby cheeks.

Bath time.

Itty Bitty's Bathtub- the kitchen sink.


  1. We can't wait to meet itty bitty...I hope its before she's a teenager!! ;O)She is just so sweet and precious!!!

  2. love the pics...especially the "tub" ones! XO

  3. she is so cute, LeAnn! I just wanna hold her!Lorida

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I have been enjoying being in "touch" with you through yours. Your lil doll is so cute. I love those chubby kissable cheeks. Blessing to all of you!

  5. She's a cutie, that's for sure!
    Cousin Peg

  6. She is definetly a Little Angel from the LORD.

    God bless you..
    Aub's mom

  7. She is so precious!! God Bless you for taking the time to post those pictures. You have no idea how much it means to us! Internet communications ARE a blessing! Love, Grandma B.

  8. She is *so* precious, LeAnn!
    I remember our Adelia fitting in the sink for her first baths, too!


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